(A) X-ray detection employing nano- and micro-structured thin film detectors
Novel interdigital strip sensors for detection of keV / MeV x-rays: Optimization of micrometer interdigit width and spacing
A novel method for effective contact potential characterization in metal-insulator-metal structures: Large area nanostructured films
Variable micro-gap High Energy Current (HEC) sensor: The limits of radiation transport simulations at low energies: Ambiguities in deposited energy, deposited charge and particle currents
A novel multilayer EPID detector employing periodic high-Z/low-Z thin films: High-transparency high-contrast MV imaging
(B) Radiosensitization of tumor employing high-Z nanoparticles and imaging of nanoparticles
Radiosensitization of tumors by high-Z nanoparticles: Nanoscale radiation transport using high-spatial resolution, zero-noise, deterministic computations in 3D: Asymmetry in Auger emission and effects due to nanoparticle clusters
Multi-scale radiation transport in nanoparticle based radiotherapy: From macro- and micro-beams to nano-scale interfacial effects
Radiobiology for high-Z nanoparticle based radiotherapy: Cell survival, Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) Mixed Poisson LQ model for clustering and distance from the cellular target
(F) IMRT and linac QA
Stereotactic radiosurgery QA: Radiation isocenter characterization due to gantry, collimator, couch rotations: X-ray- and laser-sensitive phosphor screens
Dark current errors in ion chamber arrays: Low-dose rate and out-of-field IMRT dosimetry Correction of dark current errors