(A) X-ray detection employing nano- and micro-structured thin film detectorsPeriodic multilayer aerogel based High Energy Current (HEC) detector: Surrogate vacuum3D printing for rapid prototyping of sensor arraysNovel interdigital strip sensors for detection of keV / MeV x-rays: Optimization of micrometer interdigit width and spacing A novel method for effective contact potential characterization in metal-insulator-metal structures: Large area nanostructured films Variable micro-gap High Energy Current (HEC) sensor: The limits of radiation transport simulations at low energies: Ambiguities in deposited energy, deposited charge and particle currentsA novel multilayer EPID detector employing periodic high-Z/low-Z thin films: High-transparency high-contrast MV imagingA novel diagonal strip detector for beam-line characterizationHigh Energy (HEC) detectors: Multiplayer high-Z/low-Z thin film conceptPhotovoltaic radiation sensor arrays for kV/MV dosimetryThin film sensor arrays for real-time dosimetry in interventional radiology: Fluoroscopy Aerogel based self-powered Radioisotope Identification Device (RIID) for first responders(B) Radiosensitization of tumor employing high-Z nanoparticles and imaging of nanoparticlesRadiosensitization of tumors by high-Z nanoparticles: Nanoscale radiation transport using high-spatial resolution, zero-noise, deterministic computations in 3D: Asymmetry in Auger emission and effects due to nanoparticle clustersHigh-Z nanoparticle based brachytherapy: Sink effect leading to organ at risk sparingHigh-Z nanoparticle based x-ray treatment of macular degeneration of the eyeMulti-scale radiation transport in nanoparticle based radiotherapy: From macro- and micro-beams to nano-scale interfacial effects High-Z nanoparticle based radiotherapy: Review of radiation transport simulationsOptimal high-Z nanoparticle based radiotherapy: Exploration of new linac beamlinesOptimal high-Z nanoparticle based radiotherapy: Optimization of clinical techniques and parametersRadiobiology for high-Z nanoparticle based radiotherapy: Cell survival, Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) Mixed Poisson LQ model for clustering and distance from the cellular targetImaging of nanoparticles in vivo during megavoltage radiotherapy employing positron annihilation and photon counting(C) Image guided adaptive radiotherapyAdaptive radiotherapy employing Cone Beam CT (CBCT): Patient weight loss and tumor shrinkage in head & neck cancer treatment Hyperpolarized Helium MRI for estimation of lung function in lung cancer radiotherapy(D) Reconstruction and automated feature extraction in Cone Beam CT (CBCT) and Cone Beam Tomosynthesis (CBTS)CB Tomosynthesis of breast: Auto clip detection and optimal beam angles(E) Model based IMRT optimizationSmart VMAT(F) IMRT and linac QAStereotactic radiosurgery QA: Radiation isocenter characterization due to gantry, collimator, couch rotations: X-ray- and laser-sensitive phosphor screensMLC related errors in IMRTDark current errors in ion chamber arrays: Low-dose rate and out-of-field IMRT dosimetry Correction of dark current errors Angular dependence of IMRT QA ion chamber arrays: Correction of angular errorsBeam model for small-animal kVp irradiator In-house dose calculation for IMRT